Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Emma Watson

Image result for hermione granger

Emma Watson: A Warrior Woman On and Off Screen

      Since my childhood, one woman I have always admired for her work in social activism and women's rights is the actress Emma Watson. Due to being thrust into the spot light at the young age of 9, Emma Watson has experienced the objectification that women face daily, only on a much larger scale. Because of this, feminism and gender equality became very important issues to her, and she vowed to be a role model for young girls and women.                                                

        Emma Watson portraying Hermione Granger; the smart, courageous, and determined heroine in the Harry Potter series

"At 14 I started being sexualized by certain elements of the press"

          Emma Watson's rise to a prominent feminist was mostly due to her experiences as a child actor. At the young age of 14, she was constantly being sexualized by the press. She also realized that her male counter parts did not recieve the same type of objectification. Also, unlike her, they were not categorized as "bossy" when they spoke up about their opinions of certain scenes. Due to her experiences and desire to change the way women's bodies are objectified and how they are more likely to be belittled in the workplace, she confidently stated that "I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me". 

         Emma Watson is a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, and advocates for the "HeForShe" campaign, which promotes gender equality and calls for men's support of women's rights. In 2014, she announced the launch of the "HeForShe" campaign by delivering a speach to the United Nations. Their mission statement is to "invite people around the world to stand together to create a bold, visible force for gender equality".

Image result for emma watson he for she
Emma delivering her speach to the United Nations 

"I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too."  

                                               ~Emma Watson, in an address to the United Nations

Image result for emma watson beauty and the beast     
       Recently, Emma Watson continued her trend of playing on screen warrior women by taking on the role of Belle in the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast. She was extremely vehement about refusing to wear a corset on screen, as she wanted to give little girls going to see the movie a realistic portrayal of a woman. Also, the live-action version of Cinderella recieved a lot of critisism over Cinderella's corset, as it squeezed her waist to unrealistic proportions. Emma Watson wanted to counter this by not wearing a corset as Belle. She also had a large hand in reshaping the character of Belle, wanting her to have more agency, and take charge of her own destiny. As both a huge Beauty and the Beast fan and a feminist, I loved this portrayal of Belle.
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The unrealistic effect of the corset worn in Cinderella

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         Emma Watson continues to advocate for women's rights, and is unapologetic about identifying as a feminist. She has always been and will continue to be one of my biggest role models. By using her platform as a famous actress, she can spread the ideals of feminism to millions of people; most importantly young girls and women who look up to her. She contributes to molding the next generation of women and men who will support gender equality.



  1. I really enjoyed your article, Dahlia! As a child, I absolutely loved Harry Potter, so Emma Watson was a huge role model to me. Hermione's intelligence and leadership inspired me as a child and now as an adult, Emma inspires me with her work as a Goodwill Ambassador and her stance against objectification. I think it's amazing how Emma has destigmatized feminism for our generation and has worked toward gender equality.

    1. Thanks! I also was obsessed with Harry Potter as a child, and Hermione inspired me so much before I even knew what feminsism was. I feel like Emma took the character of Hermione and kept emulating her even after the movies ended.

  2. Emma Watson certainly is a great role model, and I think what makes her even more unique as one is that for our generation it almost feels like we grew up alongside her and the other main characters of the Harry Potter films (even though they're all a bit older than us). It seems only fitting that she continues to be a very inspirational social activist as she was a huge part of possibly one of the most inspirational literary phenomenons of our lifetimes.

    1. I completely agree with her being close to our age adding something special to it. Most famous social activists are older or from another period of time altogether, so it's cool to have someone who you feel like you grew up with doing this kind of stuff.

  3. It has been inspiring to watch Emma Watson effortlessly transition from a young girl I grew up watching in the Harry Potter movies to a strong, intelligent activist. She is using her popularity to bring a message of equality to many people which you made great points about. A very enjoyable read!

    1. Thanks! I totally agree that she's using her fame to do awesome things!

  4. I really enjoyed your Blog! I think including the factor that Emma Watson was subjected to this at such a young age is really important because it's what led her to becoming a feminist today. I liked how you incorporated the HeforShe campaign. I feel as though so many people and celebrities are advocating with the campaign. I feel as though Emma Watson is such a great role model because she is around the same age as us, maybe a little bit older. Regardless, Emma Watson is an excellent example of female empowerment and the strive towards equality.

    1. Yes I think the sexual objectification at such a young age is a very important point, and has definitely inspired her to speak out about it.

  5. Emma Watson has always been one of my favorite advocates. She is so true and elegant. She is an inspiration.

    1. True is such a great word to use to describe her!


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