Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Grace O'Malley

Grace O'Malley

    Grace O'Malley was a heroine to the Irish and a controlling pirate to the English. She helped overcome gender bias and fought England for the independence of Ireland. ("Grace O'Malley, the 16th Century Pirate" 2014).  She embraced her sea life after her father, a nobleman and a sea trader, passed away. Due to her inheritance, she was able to run 20 ships and their crews along with many government officials who tried to control her.


  Although she was looked at as a courageous woman to many, she ruled the seas by demanding money from others who passed through in exchange for protection. If they did not give what she demanded from them, she would become violent which at some points led to murder. Her intent was to control the seas that surrounded her land so that she was able to protect her country from the rulers trying to take over it, England.

O'Malley was a strong warrior woman who not only stood up for her country, but for women around the world. Even though she had killed people and was viewed as a pirate, she fought for her country and what she believed was right. She is one of the many warrior women that not only stood up for the rights of many, but was an actual warrior. With her knowledge of the seas the she gained from her father and experience, she was able to stand up for her country in their time of need. She proved that man or woman, anyone could do anything as long as they put their mind to it. Her passion for her country led her to great victory and high standings within the political world not only in Ireland but in England as well. She never let anything stand in her way of getting things done, which is why I admire her was a warrior woman.

Works Cited
Aprilholloway. “Grace O'Malley, the 16th Century Pirate Queen of Ireland.” Ancient Origins,                   Ancient Origins, www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/grace-o-malley-16th-century-           pirate-queen-ireland-001773.
Trowbridge. "Meeting Grace O'Malley, Ireland's pirate queen." The National                                            Archives,http://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/blog/meeting-grace-omalley-irelands-pirate-queen/.


  1. I like that Grace O'Malley fought alongside of many male pirates for Ireland against the English. It shows her true power as a person and that she defies female stereotypes. I feel like there is a big stigma against women fighting for their country, even to this day with women in the military but O'Malley's story proves that women are capable of doing all the things that men are able to do. Very interesting woman warrior!

  2. It is always a taboo-sounding subject when justifying murderous activities for the "right reason". With reading Grace O'Malley's story, I am able to see her justification. She fought hard, and she fought well. Her strength in treading the seas transcends into her ability to run 20 ships, truly striking womanhood!

  3. I love how Grace fought for her country, as well as other women. It is important for other women to help each other out and it was clear in your post that she did just that. Her knowledge about the seas and how to move around them was crucial for her as a pirate.

  4. Its so unfortunate that more of these women pirate stories remain untold! I think that she was brave for taking the protection of her country so seriously. I think its so amazing that she was able to run so many ships and their crews using the money her father left her. During that time period, I know that seemed impossible. I think its inspiring that Grace fought for her own country and all fellow women, while embracing the true qualities of a real warrior.

  5. I am so surprised that I have never heard of her before being that I come from a very Irish background. After reading this blog post I immediately wanted to know more about her and everything that she fought for. I find it so interesting that more people have not mentioned her before! I agree that while she did murder people she was doing what she felt was right by fighting for what she believed in. She is both courageous and daring and should definitely be labeled as a warrior woman.


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